To all value customers

To all value customers. 

I would like to announce that I will be departing from “essence” as of 25 February 2023. It was great pleasure to serve you and would like to express my appreciation during my time here at essence. 

To give you advance notice, the new masseuse who is replacing me will not be able to support facial massage, so I would like to recommend you to utilize the unused facial gift card by 25 February. 

I apologize in advance and thank you very much for your understanding. 

         Masseuse, Megumi

Healing salon essence

okinawaうるま市に一軒家の一室にて、aroma massageサロンをopenしました。nailも併設してます。 こちらはessenceのmassageのHPになります。 日々の疲れを取り除き、癒し(Healing)を提供致します


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